Wednesday 19 October 2011

Redirect to new blog

I have started a new blog with updated interface. Please follow this link .

Monday 17 October 2011

Take 6 needles, one block of wood, a hammer, and some nuts

 I am a dab hand a many things, being a surgeon the latest of my new found professions. Mr. Zena does all the building  of bits of equipment for the facility, and I want a piece of the action. But first I must learn the intricacies of carpentry. I know, how hard could knocking a few nails and sawing  bits of wood be! Mr. Zena insists that I do my apprenticeship properly. But this is me we are talking about, I do things, how should I put it, a little differently. So I must practice my hammering skills first. I need something someone to practice on. Out goes the call and in come the offers, who would think that what I had in store would create a scramble  to be the "honoured" one to assist me. My chosen victim helper in my workshop is @paindeamon, he has no fear, he has no brains. lol
Now just to make sure he doesn't chicken out at the last moment I tie him securely to the banisters, legs held open with spreader bar, hands clamped together with cable ties and strung up to the light fitting with wire. There, that should keep him from squirming about. I place my block of wood under his ball sack, this process in itself makes beads of sweat form on his forehead. For the technically minded of you, I am using a ball peen hammer and 21G hypodermic needles. The wood is soft pine, very good at mopping up blood, see I think of everything. Sitting down on the floor in front of him, I  get comfy and get his ballskin nice and spread out, so I can see what I'm up to. I don't bother to drag the moment out, building the tension etc. I'm way too excited. Needle out of its case, gently pushed into skin to get the initial 'purchase' a brisk 'tap tap' knocks it home. No resistance from his nuts, so the wood stops the needle. A third harder tap from a carried away carpenter gives a slight bend to the needle. No problem, we laugh that off! Over to his left nut, spread in the same way, nailed to the wood with symmetry without bent needle. I continue until I've used all my sharps and spare ball skin. So I sit back and watch the small amount of blood gently ooze onto the wood. He's relaxed, happy with the situation actually and impressed with his performance-as am I! Good, I'm gasping for a coffee, had no caffeine for a while in case of 'shaky hands' that us surgeons fear! You sit there and bask in your needle 'high' I'm putting my kettle on! O.k time for removal-out they come & into sharps box. Dressing held firmly to the affected area, made him smile, gave him a stiffy-yay he's back to life already. Go on-I'll untie your right hand, make sure he still works.
There, I am proficient in hammering, now where is that saw!!

Saturday 8 October 2011

Ultimate chastity

Now this was pissing me off. I have told him time and time again, "you must refrain from climaxing in between our sessions". I am the only one allowed to make him produce his man milk. But it has become apparent that my words have gone unheeded. He finally admitted as much this week during my "interrogation" as to what he has been up to. (Amazing what a few pinpoint electric jolts to the bell end can make him tell me). It turns out that he saw the picture in my previous blog of me in PVC boots and bikini and could not resist "knocking one out" uggg, how gross! And how disrespectful, I am not here for your sexual gratification, I am your Goddess, and as such demand your ultimate servitude.
So, it was time for extreme measures, I have tried telling him, even had him locked up in a CB300, but he apparently either knows how to remove it, or he is more versatile than I thought. Only one thing for it, stitch the bloody thing up, that'll do it. So onto the examination table with him, there was a bit of grumbling on his part to start with but I soon bring him under control. Out with my suturing kit, nice new needle that would just slide through the skin, and strong suture material to stop the bad boy from getting out. I set about my task with the precision of a trained surgeon (well I have watched enough of this on T.V. to qualify). First we clean the area to be threaded up with iodine. OMG man, can I not even prepare your genitals for operation without you getting a stiffy!  I let his miserable shaft subside before we start again. No anaesthetising, just straight through his foreskin with the first thrust, there is a slight moan from him but he enjoys the pain, he revels in showing me that nothing I can do to him will make him flinch, he is on a journey of discovery and he knows that his Goddess will lead him through it ultimately unharmed. I pull the thread through and begin again, there is no blood, there is this time no moan, he has zoned into what is happening to him, he knows it is for his own good. 3 more passes and he is finished, all stitched up and ready for the world, just enough room for him to pass urine but that is it. He will stay this way until our next encounter, and he will thank me for it, because when I release him and allow him to relieve the aching that has developed in his balls, it will be that more intense, and knowing that his Mistress has commanded it will keep his mind focused.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Mr. G-part 2

I need him in chastity, I need his basic male urges, the 'phwoar' that's in his head-but dare not be said-to enhance his suffering. All for my amusement and without touching his cock. I smack it hard with the riding crop. It remains hard. I press the spike of my heel onto it, grinding it to the carpet. Still hard. He apologises with an embarrassed laugh. That's fine, I'm having fun trying to deflate the thing! However I have a task.I resort to 'Robojac' and 2 minutes later-soft dick! On goes CB3000 & the good pounding I give him with my strap-on swiftly re-arouses him, to a point. I stop to inspect the device which is filled to bursting with cock curled agonisingly. Lovely. After devious and painful playtime he enjoys the warm, sweet result of my water intake to rinse all the lube off the device. Then I notice something. His arousal, despite being physically impaired, does actually culminate in a 'soft dick' orgasm!! What? How can this be Mr. G? The grip of the device, the sight if it. 'It's pressing my head Mistress!' well, when you next come to worship Me and I remove the device, I'm afraid I'm forced to introduce 'Ultimate Chastity! It will not involve a steel cage!! Looking forward to Monday 3rd October.

Saturday 1 October 2011

Fun filming in the sun

A Goddess has to take advantage of lovely weather and film in Her bikini whenever She can! I got one of my critters round and messed with his head, and other bits of him. I ordered him onto My inverter, slipped the hood and headphones with white noise playing and tipped him over. Any angle of inversion feels as if one is upside down, very unnerving. Bless him, he thinks he's about to enjoy the 'ultimate' in giving himself to Me for My pleasure! I strap him firmly to the bed, making sure I 'accidentally' brush My ample breasts against him and proceed to prepare him. He's a tad nervy now, so I help his dick on it's way to a stiffy, I wont be able to slip onto it otherwise will I ?  Lube is applied (can't beat slippy wet sex!) and... ready critter?? ultra realistic moulded pussy is slipped over his shaft, all the way down she goes, nice and deep. He lets out a groan of pleasure, that increases as I continue to rhythmically to ride him to the point of orgasm. Then I stop. I enjoy this torment, the power to either release him or deny.
I eventually relent after several denials and he explodes into my pussy so to speak. just before removing his blindfold and headphones I strip off my bottoms so that when he does see me he really does think that his Goddess has been riding him. Poor sap.

Monday 26 September 2011

Mr. G; part 1

I enjoy taking Mr.G on his journey, as he calls it. Curious for many years, dabbled without really knowing what part of BDSM he was driven by. He just knew he wanted to give himself to a dominant female to be played and experimented with, willing to suffer pain, fear and discomfort for the pleasure of  a sadistic lady. Come to Goddess, Mr.G!! Naked male kneels before me as I recline. He's ordered to greet me appropriately. He begins to worship my black stiletto, he's allowed to slip the shoe off and kiss and adore my tiny feet. Enough, now. Feet happy, they are ready to inflict pain. A swift kick to the balls, without warning lets this sub know-brace yourself-session underway. 1 hour of pain threshold testing whilst tightly bound in leather straps. The e-glove is donned for an mind, and genital, numbing 30 minutes solid. Then, hogtied in an upright kneeling position, I slip my latex hood over the head. He knows this, of all times in our session, he must relax. He trusts me totally. I will cause him no harm, I tell him so as I crouch before him, head to toe in latex. I hold his posture-collar ring, lean right up to him. A sharp intake of breath, slight groan of ecstasy at the proximity of his latex-clad Mistress. His breath quickens-"calm your breathing Mr. G" I whisper. I want to enjoy the sight of your hood gripping your face at every inhale. I'm also finding great amusement in his erection that is now even harder. Only so much breathplay, I move on...Hmm, that hard cock is now a hindrance to part 2....

Friday 23 September 2011

Prostate Milking

One of the most enjoyable things about what I do is the ability to get a critter to do what I want him to, without him being able to stop it. Prostate milking is just the sort of thing I am talking about. By inserting my index finger into your anus while you are either on all 4's or laying on your back with feet in stirrups, and with a beckoning action massaging with the tip of my finger the little mound that lays just under the base of your cock, I can rid you of your sticky mess, but unfortunately this will bring little pleasure to you. In fact this is almost always accomplished without an erection. You will start to feel a sort of pulsing going on in you dick, while you might actually be enjoying having Goddesses finger up your bottom, the thought of me behind you controlling what you are about to produce is not what is causing this, it is the natural consequence of having your prostate fiddled with. Then without warning and with very little feeling there you have it, a pile of man juice either on the table of on your belly. If you are lucky I might even catch it and feed it back to you.

Monday 19 September 2011

Insertables and other fun.

Richard entered the Facility. He was stripped naked. I clamped his nips and attached them to his leather collar via a very short chain. Squeezed & yanked hard upward so any pain might (hopefully) induce an upward jolt. Prostrate on the dental chair, one by one leather straps bound him-upper torso, waist, upper thighs, calf & ankles-tight, very tight! he enjoys insertables-magic word! Breath play- another one. I stand behind him & smoothly slide my latex bag over his head, watching as it tightens round his features as air runs out. When he's all out of usable air I gently lift it. So it goes on. he allowed to get his breath & I fix electrics to him, or down him! My 10mm 6" Dipstick goes in, goes on. Sound activated box is chosen, and Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture makes for random fun! You've gotta try it. It gives him the jolt I was after, with a sharp yank on his nipple clamps. 50 mins in, I cath him & drain his bladder at my pace. Bliss? That's enough. Pre-injection wipes gets his balls super clean & get the needles primed. Always loosen them so no fumbling. One after the other they slide through his ball sack. I LOVE doing this, so no nerves whatsoever. Nice pinch of skin, point facing away and push. No resistance to the sharp. We enjoy some more breath play & then I extract them, and clean him up. It's just droplets of blood, I like to see it ooze in scarlet globules.

Anal stretching

Never tried anal or maybe you deem yourself an anal expert? Either way, Mistress prides herself on her excellent ability to make men spunk their dribbly loads all over her bench from her exceedingly good anal stretching. Within 4 appointments, Mistress would
probably end up with her whole hand inside your bottom. A nicely stretched hole looks excellent as Mistresses hand slips in only revealing her wrist.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Going to the next level with needle play

Rarely do I get a critter that enjoys his pain to the extent that I love giving it. Yesterday was such a day. To view the photos of what I actually did to his dick with lumber puncture needles you will have to join my members site, as to put them on an open blog would be illegal and irresponsible. To describe what is in the picture above, there are 2x75mm19g lumber needles straight through the shaft of his cock. There are also 4x40mm 16g hypodermic needles through his bell end. His balls are tied up so tight that they have turned purple with the lack of blood supply.
You know I read on another Mistresses blog that one of my past critters had visited her while I was on holiday, and she said that he told her that I was too easy on him and he preferred the cruelness of her sessions. Yeah right!!

Wednesday 14 September 2011

I knew I forgot something!!

I just knew that I had forgotten something when I went away on holiday. I checked that the gas was off, lights set to come on in the evening, watered the plants, and made sure that the cat was being looked after. But there was something niggling away at the back of my head, I couldn't put my finger on it, but I knew I had one last thing to do.
Well when I returned there was a god awful smell in the place, then it struck me. I ran to the coffin and there he was, well what was left of him anyway. I had left my last critter locked away in there for a full 2 weeks. I had just had the biggest blonde moment of my life. How could I be so stupid!! So I took this photo, hubby came around and we swung into  our "what do we do if someone dies on me" plan.  We covered him in a sheet, and under the cover of darkness just placed him in the driving seat of his car around the corner. He was too fat anyway.

Friday 2 September 2011

Crown of nettles

Sorry about the poor quality of the picture, taken with my iPhone, but had to share this with you. A crown of nettles for Mr. Nettles. I will update the blog with more detail when I get a minute but just had to get this picture up now. O.k I'm back. 1 entire hour of electro-sex gloves and freshly picked nettles had Mr.Nettles shuddering and twitching-a divine sight for GZ. The minutes ticked by, stems were used, crushed upon his hard cockmeat and discarded. 55 minutes later I hear "aah Mistress I'm going to.... " ooh, so you did! I did tell you were not allowed to make a mess, however it always makes me chuckle when my deviants get so worked up they mess themselves! You're no use to me now, entertainment value is zero! go clean up!

Monday 29 August 2011

Introducing my Head Cam

Now I should know better than to mention to hubby that one of the downsides of strapping a guys head down to the medical bed is that he can't see all of the fun things I am doing to his bits. Well that is a problem no more. From his workshop I could hear clattering, banging, slurping of coffee and lots and lots of swearing. When he emerged with a broad grin on his face I just knew my critters were going to be in for a treat. No longer do you have to imagine all of the unthinkable things I am doing to your sorry cocks, now you can see me doing it!!! How fun is that going to be! With a camcorder attached to a strap around my head (I know, not pretty but effective) and rigged up to my laptop beside you, you can see in glorious colour things being poked at, inserted into, electrocuted, stuck with needles, all real time and at no extra charge. Now how is that for value for money. As I keep saying, I am too good to you guys, but because I love everyone of you I try to keep things fresh and inventive. Come and try it next time you visit, but be careful what you wish for because you might not like what you see.

Finished my Insanity program!

It has been 2 long months, an hour a day, 6 days a week, but hubs and I have finally finished the Insanity workout program. Intense,insane,exhilarating,fatigue, these are some of the words I would use to describe what my body has been put through over the last 8 weeks but it was well worth it. I now have a very toned butt, my shoulders are like something out of a fitness magazine, I actually have a little six pack. I went from not being able to do 1 press up to doing 64 in one session. I was a lightweight at running, letting hubby go out for his daily 4 miler wishing I could join him, to now being the first one to put the shoes on and keeping up with him on the weekly 10K on a Saturday morning. I feel so good right now.
Lost 4 inches overall but gained weight due to the muscle build!!!! OMG the weight gain is the scariest part, I now have to just put away the scales and never look at them again. My body fat went from over 18% to under 12%. Hubby has lost his belly, looks really slim and of course he is even fitter than he was before.
This has been a life changing 2 months and we can now never go back. We now mix up the exercise with running, and just 4 days a week, but we are not being complacent.   

Sunday 28 August 2011

Gloves of a different kind!

My electro-sex gloves are amazing fun. The entire glove is 'live' so latex gloves on first. Turn the current up and experiment. Mistress doesn't need her plaything passing out first touch, keep it at a level to get his attention. One hand firmly round the nuts or the base of his cock, right hand does the fun stuff. Fingers slide up and down the shaft, the firmer the touch the more intense the current, so a firm prod onto/into the japs eye has me in raptures. A muffled anguished groan lets me know i can turn it up. Foreskin is pulled back to reveal the delicate skin of cock. Let's put all 5 fingers over it, pulling the head, tips pulling at that lip that seems to cry out for electro toys to rub. Be rude not to! Turn it up.. I grasp the  shaft hard.. harder. The critter is in real pain now. Wriggling, convulsing, gasping. Well, how ungrateful! I'm holding its miserable little dick in, lets face it, a wanking grip, I even slide my hand up and down, slowly. And you're wingeing! I'll stop then!  No?... you nearly came, you say? please go back to what you were doing Mistress! Aaaarrrgh! How badly does that mess a head up, doing a very basic sexual action with something that is pure pain. Making a creamy spunky many do! You boys! I do love you. Really...I do.

Competition time

OK, here is a little fun thing for you loyal subs to get your teeth into. In a previous post you will find my QR code. Print this out in whatever size you choose, put a little note next to it, something like "scan here for further details about Goddess Zena" take them out, stick them up with blutac or whatever, and take a photo of where you have placed it. The funniest, most daring, or the place where it will get noticed the most will win this monthly competition. Email your entries to  and the winner will receive either a half price 1 hour session or if you prefer, 1 months access to my private members site. So go on, get started and here is wishing you luck from your Mistress.

Monday 15 August 2011


Electrics have to be my all time favorite things to play with. I have a large selection of electrical items ranging from anal probes to urethral sounds in various sizes, bands to wrap around your cock, and electric duel pinwheels that feel as though I am slicing your flesh with a knife, the miniature cattle prod to focus the current (and a subs mind) with great accuracy. The polarised gloves are a joy to use. Although these may sound scary, the feeling can vary from mild erotic sensations to full blown electric impulses that will make your body quiver. The 'Dipstick' is 6 inches of cold (or really hot) surgical steel slipped down inside your shaft via the japs eye. You may even experience a HFO (hands free orgasm) the blue bands on Continuous at 40% seems to be the sweet spot. I also own several control boxes so that I can operate on more than one area at a time. The sound activated box is cruelly random, picking up on each civilised note of the classical music I play and turning it into a series of random shocks. Here's C, a complete novice to all things fetish, however, loving the journey I'm taking him on. Blue band at the base of cock, a sterilised, lubed 'sound' slips down, I switch on and 'play' with him.

Saturday 13 August 2011

QR code

Above is my new QR code. If you have a mobile phone with a barcode or QR scanner then you can just zap it across this and you will be connected to all of my info such as website, email, phone, location, twitter, and more. If you don't have a scanner then just follow this link.

Monday 8 August 2011

Footlovers treat

I requested TLC for my tired little running feet on twitter. My footloving critter 'D' duly obliged today. After sucking on the chrome heel and soft leather toe of my boot he removed it gently and proceeded to attend to my bare feet, sucking each toe in turn, kissing caressing my little feet. I was so pleased with his skills and attentiveness that I flipped him over and proceeded to paddle, cane, whip and finally flay him with my ass shredder!!!!. Always a good start to the week

Friday 5 August 2011

Colossus, can you handle him!!

OK, hubby has been at it again, creating more fun things for me to inflict on you boys. You should see him in his laboratory grinding, sawing, screwing, making prototypes for testing, and only when it is perfect does it make an appearance. This time I present to you COLOSSUS, 34cm from tip to balls of the most deviant of toys I think we have ever devised for your enjoyment. I am just too good to you!!
This huge dildo we picked up in Las Vegas about 2 years ago, and until now has been used as a hand held shafter for the more extreme anal freaks amongst my tribe.
  Now we go hands free!! By cleverly adapting my strongest strap-on harness and adding a steel ring around the base of this monster I can now fuck your brains out, literally. Still being able to squeeze your balls or grab your hips while I pound this baby into you. Imagine the site of your Goddess in the strategically placed mirror forcing herself into you while you are bent over my bench strapped down completely at my mercy, no going back now, you asked for it, you will get the full length of him until you can feel it  poking at your rib cage. So if you think you are man enough, ask to be put in the exclusive Colossus club on your next visit, he is waiting for you!!!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Introducing the Coffin

I love acquiring new toys and furniture for the Correctional Facility that I rule with an iron fist. The coffin is no exception, perfect for keeping my "toys" tidy until I want to play with them! Maybe you will get shut in there if you bore or annoy me!! There are 2 little holes so that you can (just) breathe too- I know, I spoil 'em! The larger hole at the top is there for the breathing tube that extends from the inflatable rubber mask. I know of one particular sub that will be giddy with exitement when he sees it's done!! Just be aware....if you're in it, don't go wimping out after 5 minutes!! Once you're in, you're in-till I say otherwise!!!!!

Saturday 23 July 2011

CBT session

 Cock and Ball torture (CBT)One of my strong points. Mistress loves looking into your eyes while I slap and pinch your cock or insert needles into your ball bags. Watching you wince while totally helpless to my evil CBT methods . I prefer to use my hands first, pegs, pens, weights, tape, string, electrics and anything else I can get my hands on at the time! I also kicking, punching, knees and trampling. Wednesday was no exception, no restraints-I enjoy chasing him round, scabbler pushed deep, drawing blood. It was kicked, stamped on abused for 2 hours solid. to finish....matress on the floor-"stand up straight-hold your cock or I'll split it"-1 beautifully delivered hard, swift kick to his balls drops him. groaning, writhing, breath knocked clean out of him! He's back for more this Saturday, tell you what, I'll film it for you!!!!!

Sunday 10 July 2011

Catheter Play

     I must say this is one of my favourite things to do. It gives me so much power without inflicting pain, more of mental control than anything. It is not for the faint of heart, but those that partake in it say it gives them such a rush that they keep coming back for more.
     See the first thing I do is get you drink a few glasses of water, even some of my golden nectar, then we play with something else for a while and let the liquid produce the urge to pee. On to the medical table with you chappie. I clean around your penis with iodine, then insert a sterile 18 French Foley catheter all the way into the hole until it reaches your bladder, this will feel uncomfortable but it is only temporary,  I will know when the instrument reaches it's destination because pee will start to come out of the catheter end and empty into the collection bag.
      Now we can begin. You will experience the urge to urinate that will be uncontrolable, but wait, I have clamped off the end of the tube and you just can not go, no matter how much your brain is tellng you to do so, I have the control over you now, I am in your head, messing with your senses, playing with your subconscious, demanding that you hold off releiving yourself until I say you can. I will massage your bladder making you want to go even more, you feel light headed because the sensation is unbearable. At some point I will unclamp the tube and allow you to pee, the feeling is one of immense pleasure, more than anything else you have ever experienced. But this will not last long, on with the clamp again, your mind is confused, screaming to be let go, demanding that you be allowed to carry on with the pleasure, but remember your Goddess IS YOUR MIND, and she says no. I am having fun watching the torment in your eyes, you can not speak or plead through the gag in your mouth. Don't fear though, I am here, I am only having fun with you, you are mine to enjoy, I know when you require relief again, I can see it in your eyes. There it is again, that feeling of pleasure that has been described to me as better than the best sex you have ever had. This will carry on, ecstasy then agony, again and again until I have tired of this game. I will unclamp the catheter one last time and allow you to carry on peeing until the bladder is empty. Gag out, tube extracted, cleaned up. What shall we play next, I know, ever had foil rubbed against your fillings, that sounds like a lot of fun, well for me anyway.

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Goddess tiny toes

Quite often the footworshippers email me asking whether my tiny pretty feet are really that tiny. Here's the stats  to go with the pic...EU-35   UK-2.5   U.S-4.5  overall length- 8.5 inches.The fact that I'm 5' 7'', so not a small stature Domina, emphasises them. On many occasions I have sat back and enjoyed the sight of a sub putting my whole foot comfortably into his mouth and blissing out at the sensation (myself and him) Every 6 weeks I visit the chiropodist to have them tended to, and I pamper them all the time in between visits. Due to this amount of respect I have for them I don't offer sweaty/dirty foot sessions-dirt is NOT allowed, although I enjoy soft food to be licked off them, mmm. so, come and worship these  tiny tootsies of beauty!!! lol.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Mr pinwheel

What a fun use of a DIY gadget!! My Wednesday plaything passed this gem on to me a long while ago. It perforates wallpaper in readiness for being steamed off, so far so mundane. He's knelt over my beating bench, ass in the air. I simply roll the scabbler all over his back, arse, down his inner thigh- up and down, with a fair amount of pressure as the skin is really tender here(oops, caught his nuts on the upstroke-made him yelp)all over the soles of his feet! Moving on.... On yer back then. Squeeze his balls tightly and give a nice glow to these babies! My suede brush applied in a vigorous circular motion does the job. I hear 'thank you' through gritted teeth, bless him. Mmm loveleeeeeey. Anyone else want to meet the scabbler!!!!!!!????

Friday 17 June 2011

Fridays fun

Had a really fun 2 hour session. After a cleansing enema, he got plugged (the ponytail always looks lovely) and remains there with the help of plug harness until I need to fill his stretched hole with something bigger- my little fist, eventually!! He is strapped to the medical bed,legs on the gyno-stirrups, masked, headphones on 'rainfall' played loud. I get busy. E-stim and lots of it. Anal toys to finish part 1. Next, he gets cleaned up, and strapped to the dental chair. The water I made him drink takes effect-he needs to pee. I slowly steadily feed the catheter up his urethra to his bladder until Its obvious I've reached it! his water starts to trickle into the bag for a second. So I clamp it shut! Not yet you don't. I massage his bladder, tell him how badly he needs to go. Bitch! Eventually he is allowed to fill the bag, and boy does he! Balls are cleaned with pre injection wipes and I take his 'pierced dick' cherry, just the 4 for now, but I expect him to take a shaft full of super sharp single use medical needles next time. End of session! Let's see if his poor abused cock still functions then. Get your wanking hand busy, all over yourself. There, he's fine. Get showered, get out of my sight.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

New session prices

      After keeping my prices the same for the past 2 years (I actually reduced them when the recession hit) I have decided that all of the new equipment I have purchased has to be paid for some how. So as from the 12Th. of June my hour price has gone up, only by £10 and only to new clients. all existing gentlemen that have supported me over the past couple of years will still enjoy the sessions at £100 per hour, but new clients will have to pay £110 for the hour, and £65 for the 1/2 hour.
      I still think that I represent the best value for money Domme in the area (dare I say in the country) as everything that I have at my chambers is yours to enjoy at no extra cost. When you think of the consumables that I go through, namely poppers, catheters, condoms, gloves, let alone the replacing a purchasing of new and fun things to tempt you guys with, I hope you will understand this decision and continue to come along and have some fun.

Old friend passed away

You may have read in the papers lately of the gentleman who passed away in Belgium after a BDSM session. Well he was one of my clients and indeed I considered him a friend as well. He first visited me this time last year and his chosen fetish was breath play which he enjoyed very much. Since then he has seen me several times for quite long sessions, sometimes up to 4 hours. Over that period of time we became very close with him placing his total trust in my abilities. He was a sweet, kind and gentle man who wanted nothing more than to fulfill his dreams. His is the email testimonial that is on my profile but for the benefit of those of you that haven't read it, I have copied it below.
Dear Mistress Zena
In a world where people only ever seem to complain never congratulate , i just thought i should put down in writing a very big thank you for a truly great session, You looked truly superb in your pink latex and i have to say that you displayed in my opinion just the right amount of tenderness for the level of pain being metered out which in itself is a very difficult balancing act. I loved the breath control and i want to build on that in the future. I will not bore you with a really long epistle , but you really pushed my buttons and i am looking forward to our next session which will i hope be 3 to 4 hours .........with your permission of course!!!!! I look forward to seeing you at the next B+B you are truly gorgeous ......enough said.

Well in that email you can see what kind of person he was. Always exploring new boundries, but we always had safety first in mind. He will be sadly missed.

New toys to play with

Hi all,
Well over the last couple of months I have been busy purchasing some fun new toys to excite you with. First is my moulded fake pussy. I had this little baby moulded from my own sweet lady bits and made into a latex plaything. You can enter her and close your eyes, listen to my voice as I tell you how much you are pleasing your Goddess, and you will think that you are indeed entering my haven.  You will not be able to resist pounding harder and faster till you explode inside.
Next we have RoboJac, the ultimate in male milking machines. I purchased this on my last trip to Vegas and boy it was money well spent. The shop had this and the Venus 2000 in stock and hubby was allowed to try both of them out to compare, with Robojac winning because of the portability of the sucking head and pure power of suck. Again I will attach this to your cock and tease you till you want to do nothing more than release your sticky spunk into the tube, but then it won't be up to you, it WILL happen.
Lastly we have my spunking cock. This has been designed by my husband who creates and builds many of my devices. It is a hollow strap-on that has a tube running into my pussy so when you suck and gag on it hard enough I am liable to cum, and when I do all of my juices run down the tube and out of the tip of the cock drenching your face with my sweet nectar. And when I need to pee that will be dispensed out of the tip as well covering your pathetic body and face in Mistresses urine.

My World

OK, seeing that I have a few moments on my hands I thought I would let you all into a few things happening with Goddess Zena. First off the new premises is going good, but I am still on the look out for a large 3 bed detached in Mapperley with a garage, I have so much equipment and so many ideas that this place is quickly getting too small. Did a video shoot for The English Mansion a few weeks ago and have become one of their featured Mistresses, and as such my bookings have gone through the roof. I have been advised by Lucy the head honcho there that my prices are way too low for what I do, but I feel that I would sooner be busy seeing 4 clients a day at £100 and maybe pricing myself out of the reach of most guys that want to try domination and only doing maybe 1 at £150. Maybe if I were in London things would be different, but Nottingham is hardly a hotbed of servitude.
So for now and the foreseeable future my prices will stay the same. I have added one little thing though, I am now offering "quickie" sessions of no more than 1/2 hour. Basically anything that does not involve showering, cleaning up after, or using any of my consumables is OK.
Off to the states in a couple of weeks and have arranged to have some stuff delivered to my hotel from Extreme Restraints, saves me the cost of international mail and the possibility of duty and VAT added when it gets here. Also going for a bit of a shop to Honour this Saturday for some new Latex rubber clothing. I must say that it is a real turn on for my guys seeing me all dressed in clingy rubber whilst I am fucking them with my strap on. So, that's it for now, be back again soon with some stories of what my deviants like to get up to when they visit me.